For the Love of the Sport 1
The Technology behind the latest generation V8 Supercars in Australia has grown in leaps and bounds since the concept took shape in the early 1960s. Consider the practical challenge of taking a road going four-door sedan and transforming it into a c
0701 2015For the Love of the Sport 2
A further benefit was the opportunity to test the 3PKT on 316 stainless steel where tool life and productivity increased by 60 percent. “Put simply, the MillRush line demonstrated outstanding performance and that was how they became a repeat custome
0701 2015Seminar Demonstrates Advancement in Metalworking for Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania 1
The conflict in Russia and Ukraine has been in the news lately but that did not affect industrial leaders from both countries and Lithuania to attend TaeguTec’s new products seminar. Over 40 Russian, 30 Ukrainian and 10Lithuanian industrial leaders
0701 2015Seminar Demonstrates Advancement in Metalworking for Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania 2
Asian metalworking giant also displayed its newest coating that has excellent wear resistance and is stable in high-feed and speed machining conditions.
0701 2015TaeguTec Joins Formaplex Electric Car World Record Bid
The TaeguTec, a leading worldwide supplier of cutting-edge and technologically advanced tool solutions, has joined the Formaplex electric car world record team.
0701 2015Making the Mold/Dies For Our Beloved Products
The mold and die industry is not familiar to ordinary people but what the industry make are products that catch the eyes of the users.
0701 2015特固克刀具TAEGUTEC刀片库存大特价 欢迎咨询
1908 2014特固克(TaeguTec)2013产品研讨会在上海隆重举行
1308 2014特固克PCD 槽形刀片
1308 2014特固克子品牌DURACARB正式进入中国大陆市场
1308 2014特固克携GOLD RUSH刀具以解决方案参展CIMT2013
1308 2014特固克刀具主流产品正在火热促销
1308 2014
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