TaeguTec, loaded with IT tools for smarter machining
TaeguTec, one of Asia’s largest metalworking companies, launched a free smartphone and tablet computer application for the Android operating system providing real-time information to industrial users in the metal cutting sector.
0701 2015Machining Titanium: It's Complicated 1
The popularity of titanium is spreading across every industry due to the metal's exceptional strength to weight ratio and corrosion resistance.
0701 2015Machining Titanium: It's Complicated 2
The above examples demonstrate the challenge when machining titanium and titanium alloys but there are solutions.
0701 2015Making the Mold/Dies For Our Beloved Products
The mold and die industry is not familiar to ordinary people but what the industry make are products that catch the eyes of the users.
0701 2015For the Love of the Sport 1
The Technology behind the latest generation V8 Supercars in Australia has grown in leaps and bounds since the concept took shape in the early 1960s.
0701 2015For the Love of the Sport 2
A further benefit was the opportunity to test the 3PKT on 316 stainless steel where tool life and productivity increased by 60 percent.
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1908 2014特固克Gold Rush巧妙的解决方案使得切削刀具材料达到了另外一个水平
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